Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are a virtually ideal reinforcing agent due to extremely high aspect ratios and ultra high strengths. It\nis evident from contemporary research that utilization of CNT in producing new cement-based composite materials has a great\npotential. Consequently, possible practical application of CNT reinforced cementitious composites has immense prospect in the\nfield of applied nanotechnology within construction industry. Several repair, retrofit, and strengthening techniques are currently\navailable to enhance the integrity and durability of concrete structures with cracks and spalling, but applicability and/or reliability\nis/are often limited.Therefore, there is always a need for innovative high performing concrete repairmaterials with good mechanical,\nrheological, and durability properties. Considering the mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and the test results of\nCNT reinforced cement composites, it is apparent that such composites could be used conveniently as concrete repair material.\nWith this end in view, the applicability of multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWNT) reinforced cement composites as concrete repair\nmaterial has been evaluated in this study in terms of setting time, bleeding, and bonding strength (slant shear) tests. It has been\nfound that MWNT reinforced cement mortar has good prospective as concrete repair material since such composites exhibited\ndesirable behavior in setting time, bleeding, and slant shear.